Being a teenager can be difficult on so many levels. Young people can feel pressure around them from every part of their life, which contributes to stress.
There is pressure from peers, pressure from school and even pressure from your first part time job. Working out who you are, what you like and what you’re good at can be tough enough, without adding teenage hormones into the mix!
Those pesky hormones can turn day to day life problems into a blemish-prone complexion which brings a different kind of stress. Self-identity and appearance are closely linked for teens, and acne prone skin can affect a young person’s confidence.
While we assume acne is a natural part of teenage life, it doesn’t need to be and there are ways to manage skin care that can ease the burden for young people.
Whether you’re a teenager or an adult helping your child work through puberty, establishing a good skin care routine, early, is important. But before we can manage blemish prone skin, let’s have a look at where the problems come from. This helps shift the focus from quick fixes to long term skin health.
A rise in hormones (particularly androgens) can cause excess oil production. This can lead to clogged pores, bacteria, inflammation, infection and yup, you guessed it— pimples! The best way to help your teenager avoid bad skin days is to teach them how to keep their skin in tip-top condition.
Teaching them a few healthy skin habits can empower them while also helping them to hang on to that smooth, fresh-faced complexion for longer.
The key to any routine is simplicity, and what could be simpler than a three step process?
Cleanse. Moisturise. Protect. It’s as easy as that!
Step 1 – Cleanse
Gently cleansing tween and teen skin skin daily is important. This helps to get rid of surface dirt, natural oil build up and dead skin cells, which can cause blocked pores and blackheads.
Younger skin can be much more sensitive than more “experienced” skin so it’s important to steer clear of harsh or irritating ingredients. Avoid soap, artificial fragrances and chemicals and instead choose natural products.
Step 2 – Moisturise
No matter your age, it’s always a great idea to moisturise after cleansing. Apply a light natural moisturizer each morning and night to help balance teen and tween skin.
You can skip this step if you follow step 3 instead.
Step 3 – Protect
Getting into the habit of sun protection is essential for healthy skin. Choose a light and easy to apply lotion. Thick, greasy creams won’t feel nice and your teen is less likely to use them.
Homeopathy treats the skin condition from the root cause, bringing the body back to balance and essentially ‘eliminating’ or lessening symptoms. The idea of homeopathy is less is more, and with this in mind, ideally, we take a small amount of remedy to get the maximum effect.
When we complete the remedy, we don’t want the symptoms to return. In this case it’s pimples, so therefore we are not looking to stop the symptoms, but we are boosting the body’s immune system or vital force in order for the individual organism to self-regulate and heal.
Some of the common remedies to treat skin conditions are:
Hepar Sulph – helpful for small pimples, particularly on the forehead and lips that are yellow and have a tendency to get infected.
Kali Brom – Large, bluish red pimples which leave scars. They have a depressed centre and can be found mainly on the forehead or above the nose and eyebrows. Also found on the shoulders and back.
Silica – Helps to diffuse acne especially around the cheeks, which consists of deep hard deep pimples, often not coming to a head or showing no pus. These pimples slowly reabsorb leaving a pitting scar. After this remedy the pimple often begins to discharge, helping to clear the skin and heal.
If you try these treatments and yet your skin or your child’s skin is not clearing up, there may be an underlying cause that requires individualised care.
Feel free to book an appointment directly via the website, or call me on 0415 847 429.
Learning to balance life’s pressures can be overwhelming at times. Lately, many teens are attending my clinical practice for ‘anxiety’ and inability to concentrate. Upon further investigation, I find that the symptoms they are describing as ‘anxiety’ or stress, are in fact all 100% normal.
Let’s look at it this way. If you see a lion approaching and you remain totally calm, you will be eaten! The ‘stress’ that we experience gives us the ‘motivation’ to run and survive! Similarly, if there is a lot of homework or an upcoming test, they should be feeling a little ‘nervous’ as this is the feeling that motivates you to act.
If correct preparation is done (i.e., study for exams) and action is taken, then the feelings become manageable. Strong feelings won’t consume or overwhelm, leading to other, pathological conditions. Having tools to manage helps. Removing all the circumstances that create uncomfortable feelings doesn’t help build resilience. We can’t do the work for our teens, but we can give them some tools and teach them how to manage for themselves.
Good eating, exercise and sleeping habits are the best support. A regular routine helps maintain a calm, clear nervous system. Then with other stress management tools like breathing techniques and the steps we will focus on in this article, managing challenging situations can become easier.
In this technical age, the distractions for learners are varied and many. With social media, television, internet, smart phones, and so much more to choose from, it is difficult to focus for any length of time. The benefits of developing focused attention skills are many and can assist in general wellbeing, academic success, better relationships, and success in work.
Examples of focused attention are listening to a lecture, reading a book, watching a film, or making something without distraction. Here are some tips to help children learn healthy habits that can help achieve better outcomes with their schoolwork and home life.
Tips for children under 10
1) Set aside a reasonable amount of time for your child to practice focusing on a specific task. Young children can only concentrate for short periods, i.e., between 5 and 20 minutes.
2) Do one thing at a time. Try not to look at everything at once. Break big tasks down into smaller tasks and do one thing at a time.
3) Create a homework space. Work in a quiet place, away from the distraction of screens and other people.
4) Build in break times. Kids need to get up and move around between tasks. Rest, stretch, move, have a snack, or play break before sitting down to work on more tasks.
5) Practise observing things in the immediate environment. Young children are easily distracted by things around them, as well as sensations within their own body. A good tip to help them focus is to play a simple game like “eye spy,” sing a song together or do simple exercises to help shift their focus.
Practical tips to help older children and teens.
1) Limit distractions during homework time by removing screens from the room or switching off the TV. Have a designated spot for phones and electronic devices during school time. I’m not as strict about that as I used to be, but for a while we had our designated spot, and my teens could take a 5-10 minute break between subjects to read and reply to texts.
2) Use a file system or a box system with separate folders for different tasks. This is an amazingly simple visual method to help teens identify which tasks are complete and which are yet to be done. It’s like the old-fashioned office in-tray.
3) Create a study area. All teens can benefit from a dedicated study area, and it doesn’t need to be anything special. It just needs to be well stocked with useful items like paper, pencils & books etc to limit the need to get up and move around in order to find things. Motivation can remain high if everything is within easy reach.
4) Use a planner, diary, or wall chart to stay on top of tasks.
5) Establish an easy to follow after school and before school routine and reward the child for getting tasks done. This can be with anything you think is relevant to your child. It could be a favourite snack, or a playdate with a friend, extra screen time etc.
6) Use a timer to create pressure and challenge to beat the timer. It also means tasks don’t go on endlessly which can overwhelm teenagers.
7) Take breaks. Eat, move, check your phone etc, anything to create a short break before diving into the next task.
If your child needs further support, the following homeopathic remedies may be useful in building resilience and make feelings manageable. In combination with the steps listed above, they may help support them to concentrate and move forward with tasks.
Please note these are general recommendations, make sure to seek individual advice if symptoms persist.
Nux vomica: inability to focus due to an overactive mind that is always thinking of work, they like to win/ achieve and crave stimulants to keep them going, they struggle to switch off at night and may suffer from stomach aches, constipation and bloating.
Coffea: very restless, over excitement, on edge, heart palpitations and shaky, mind jumps from subject to subject rapidly.
Could be the remedy you need to assist children and adults who struggle to focus and concentrate on their work. Use 5 drops under the tongue before completing tasks requiring concentration.
Q Drops are available directly from me, for $25 per bottle.
If you are concerned about your child’s inability to work through tasks or would like a more personalised consultation to address your specific needs, you can book in to see me via the link on the website.
Life can be busy for teens. In between school study commitments, after school jobs and extracurricular activities, teenager’s calendars can fill up fast. If you add travel time to school and activities, young people can sometimes feel as though they don’t have enough hours in the day. (sound familiar?)
Healthy food choices and the right types of exercise are essential for assisting your teens body and mind to function optimally. With so many obligations, it can feel impossible to get the balance right, but with planning, it can be done.
Let’s break it down into manageable chunks.
Teenage girls need to consume around 2,200 calories each day, and teenage boys need around 2,800. The source of these calories is important in determining how you feel and perform throughout the day.
Aim to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Five servings can help you manage your weight and keep your heart healthy.
Choose foods from the grains, fruits and vegetables sections at the base of the food pyramid to help build a healthy diet.
Choose a variety of protein foods, like lean meat and poultry, seafood, beans, soy products, and nuts.
Eat small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. Eating small portions frequently can help you to cut back on eating unhealthy snacks between meals.
Cut and bag healthy vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Buy fruits that you can place in your school bag and snack on between classes.
Canned tuna in water or precooked chicken is a quick and easy lunch choice and if you add salad, you have a meal. Eating lean protein to helps to build muscle.
School canteens sell low fat milk drinks which can help build and maintain strong bones. Try to choose milk or water instead of soft drinks and high sugar juice.
Eat breakfast. Studies show that people who eat breakfast do better in school, tend to eat less throughout the day, and are less likely to be overweight.
Pay attention to portion sizes and try not to overeat.
Limit sugary food and drinks, and you will feel consistently energized throughout the day.
Aim for 60 minutes of activity every day. Walk to school, sign up for a fitness class, find a sport you like, or dance in your bedroom. It doesn’t matter what you do — just move and have fun!
Cardiovascular activity should comprise the majority of your 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Aim to get your heart rate up and get some sweat on.
The hour of exercise can be broken up throughout the day to help with time management. Breaking it down into two 30-minute sessions of exercise in your day could make it more manageable than one consistent hour. For example, you can achieve this by walking to and from the bus and going for a bike ride in the afternoon.
Strength-training exercises improve your muscular strength and your bone density. They should be part of your 60-minute physical activity at least three days each week. Resistance exercises are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Make a healthy habit of doing pushups, lunges and abdominal crunches every other morning when you wake up. You can also keep a pair of dumbbells beside your bed to vary your workouts with other strength-building exercises like biceps curls, shoulder presses and squats. Make it fun and you’ll find it easy to stay consistent with a healthy exercise plan.
If your teenager insists they don’t have time, aim to reduce computer use, social media scrolling and video game time. Try to limit sedentary time to an our or two per day.
Teenagers should avoid fad diets. If it sounds too good to be true or requires that all of your meals come from one food group, you should avoid it. As a teenager, your body is still growing. You need to make sure you are getting proper nutrients. Fad diets often deprive you of these proper nutrients.
If you have tried to implement these health strategies with your teenagers and they know what to do but simply can’t find the motivation, energy or discipline to make change, homeopathy can help.
It may be worth trying an individual homeopathic remedy prescription to uncover the root cause of why they aren’t able to make better choices. The reason could be due to hormones, stress, lack of confidence or anything else, and the remedy may assist to gently shift their energy, realign their system and help support them to move forward.
If you are concerned about your child’s weight or would like a more personalised consultation to address your specific needs, you can book in to see me via the link in the website.
I am an accredited dietitian and have practiced in hospital settings both in Australia and South Africa.
We’ve had a heavier than normal amount of rain this summer, and I’m sure you’ve noticed an increase in the number of bugs inside and around your home.
No matter the season, bugs tailor their behaviour to match what’s happening with the weather, and that’s particularly noticeable after constant damp weather. You may notice insects like mosquitoes, fire ants, and wasps out and about in far greater numbers than usual—and that can be a problem.
Mosquitoes love moisture and humidity, and all of that rain can cause the local mosquito population to explode. Rain leaves stagnant pools of water—both on the ground and in places like plant pots, birdbaths, and even kids’ toys that can provide mosquitoes with loads of prime habitat for
Many mosquitoes lay their eggs in this kind of standing water, and if allowed to mature, these young mosquitoes will emerge from the water in 7 to 10 days. Other types of mosquitoes lay their eggs in moist soil in low lying areas; after the area floods, the eggs hatch, releasing huge numbers of the pests.
Other bugs also come out en masse following periods of heavy rain, as the water soaks into the ground and fills their nests with water. Ants (including fire ants) and subterranean termites will bustle to get to higher ground. During a big storm or long period of rain, they may even seek out shelter in places like your home. These insects will not return to their nests until the rain stops and the nests dry out.
While insect bites or stings alone may be harmless, in some cases they may transmit other diseases such as malaria or Lyme. Most bites cause mild stinging or itching. Common symptoms of a bite include skin irritation, inflammation or swelling, bump or blister around the bite mark. An insect bite will leave a puncture wound in the skin. The type of insect that you are bitten by can determine what type of reaction you will have. Insect bites will usually clear up in a day or two without any further treatment.
Some bites can trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction that requires emergency care. Breathing difficulty, facial swelling, dizziness, confusion and hives are symptoms of such a reaction.
Most bites go away on their own. Common treatments are for symptom relief and include pain relievers, ice packs and soothing lotions. Bites that trigger a severe allergic reaction may require emergency care.
Did you know that wearing the colour navy may deter mozzie from biting? Try it and see.
Consuming tonic water and Vit B are also said to prevent bites, which makes sense as tonic water contains quinine.
If you have a homeopathic first aid kit at home, use the following remedies. If you need to purchase any of these remedies, contact me directly.
Use Apis if the bite is hot, red & swollen with a watery appearance.
Use Ledum if the site is cold to touch, with a blue mottled look.
Use Rhus tox for a small blister like bite that is itchy.
Use Staphasagria for really bad bites that get infected.
Itchgoes contains powerful plant derived natural ingredients that reduce swelling, lessen itching, ease pain and help calm and soothe bites and stings.
Itchgoes decreases inflammation and has anti-bacterial qualities. It is safe to use on the whole family, from babies to people with sensitive skin. You can even use it on your pets.
You can roll Itch Goes on the soles of your feet or take a dose of Q tick to prevent bites. You can also take an oral dose of itch goes to prevent getting bitten.
Q Tick is good for: Tick or insect bites: gardeners, bush walkers, outside play, pets
The Q range of bioenergetic remedies has two products that can assist to support you. Available now for $25 per bottle, contact me directly to purchase.
RRP $25, contact me directly to purchase.
If you require further support or have individual health concerns, you can book in to see me here on the website or call me on 0415 847 429.
Fluctuating weather temperatures and increased rain can affect our immunity. One minute it’s hot, the next it’s not, and we usually see an increase in runny noses and sniffles. Lowered immunity allows airborne viral pathogens to enter our system and take hold, which can put a dampener on things.
This past year has seen a change in the way we manage colds. Not only do we need to be COVID free to circulate among our businesses, school and friends, but having any type of cold means you have to stay home until it’s better.
The days of ‘soldiering on’ are not the way to maintain long term health. A better way to approach the issue is to look at it holistically, as part of our overall health. What we really want is to boost our immunity naturally, NOW, early in Autumn so the body can fight these bugs before they take hold.
Here are some proven methods to boost your immunity. At the top of the list is DIET, and in particular, Vitamin C rich fruit that’s easily available, cheap and stores well.
Oranges contain 150% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C.
The whole fruit is a great source of fibre which is important for healthy gut function.
Orange zest contains the flavonoid naringin which has anti-inflammatory properties.
Oranges are versatile, easy to transport and store and have a long shelf life.
If you leave the skin on the apple (unwaxed is preferable) apples contain 14% the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C.
Apples are rich in the flavonoid quercetin which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
A great source of soluble fibre, pectin in apples is fermented by good gut bacteria which helps to prevent certain cancers and bowel disorders.
Easy to store, crisp and delicious, they can be eaten whole, or sliced and added to salads. Paired with a handful of almonds, they make a delicious and nutritious high fibre snack.
Limes contain 32% the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C which in addition to strengthening the immune system may also relieve asthma symptoms triggered by the common cold.
Limes contain a flavonoid called naringenin, which has strong cancer-preventing properties.
Citric acid in limes and other citrus fruits may prevent kidney stones from forming.
Long lasting, the juice can be added to drinks, segments of fruit can be added to salads for extra flavour and zing.
For vitamin C, few fruits exceed the amount of vitamin C in kiwifruit. They contain a whopping 120% the recommended daily intake.
Another great food for digestive health with 9% RDI fibre, kiwifruit help to feed the good bacteria in our gut and keep us regular.
With 38% the recommended daily intake of vitamin K, kiwifruit play a role in blood clotting, bone metabolism, and regulating blood calcium levels.
Peel and chop kiwi to eat as a snack or slice thinly and add to green salad.
Spinach and other leafy greens contain Vitamin K, A, B2, Vitamin C and folate. They are also a good source of manganese, magnesium and iron. Vitamin K is important for maintaining bone health.
Add leafy greens to your diet to decrease acidity and boost your immune system.
1) SLEEP. Sleep is the tool we have for assisting our bodies build immune resilience, and as little as one night of less or lost sleep can cause our immunity to drop, significantly.
2) WHOLE PLANT FOODS, a whole foods diet is nutrient and fibre rich and assists the body to function optimally.
3) PROBIOTICS / FERMENTED FOODS. Eaten in moderation, a small number of fermented foods can assist gut function and assist elimination of pathogens.
4) HEALTHY FATS are a rich source of energy for the cells in our brains, which along with exercise can stimulate the growth of new brain cells and improve memory.
5) LIMIT SUGAR INTAKE. Sugar is a stimulant and a toxin and it takes energy away from the body in order to process out of the body.
6) MODERATE EXERCISE is a proven mood enhancer and method for improving overall fitness, both cardiovascular and the strength of bones, joints and ligaments
7) GOOD HYDRATION is required to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.
8) MANAGE STRESS Stress that’s left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
The Q range of bioenergetic remedies has two products that can assist to support you. Available now for $25 per bottle, contact me directly to purchase.
Q IMMUNE is the perfect immune boost and helps protect against viral outbreaks, travel, back to school and recovery after illness.
Q FLU is great for people exposed to any flu virus, travel support and a general boost.
RRP $25, contact me directly to purchase.
If you require further support or have individual health concerns, please book via the website or call on 0415 847 429.
The Christmas rush is upon us – can you feel it in the air? Social invitations are coming in thick and fast. End of year school events are happening all the time, and even if they are virtual, they carry some stress. There’s Christmas shopping to do in a year when most of us have avoided going to the shops. There is a build up of pressure around, so let’s have a look at two things you can do to help stay CALM and FOCUSED.
In yoga we call it 4-part breathing, but it is a technique gaining popularity as “box breathing”, because you visualize it as a square, or box of four-square breathing.
Regular practice of the technique can heighten performance and concentration while also being a powerful stress reliever. This technique can be beneficial to anyone, especially those who want to meditate or reduce stress. It’s used by everyone from athletes to U.S. Navy SEALs, police officers, and nurses. You may find it particularly helpful if you have any type of anxiety or lung issue.
Before you get started, make sure that you’re seated upright in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor. Try to be in a stress-free, quiet environment where you can focus on your breathing.
Keep your hands relaxed in your lap with your palms facing up, and focus on keeping posture upright. This will help you take deep breaths.
Sit upright, slowly exhale through your mouth, getting all the oxygen out of your lungs. Focus on this intention and be conscious of what you’re doing.
Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose to the count of four. In this step, count to four very slowly in your head.
Feel the air fill your lungs, one section at a time, until your lungs are completely full and the air moves into your belly.
Hold your breath for another slow count of four.
Exhale through your mouth for the same slow count of four, expelling the air from your lungs and abdomen.
Be conscious of the feeling of the air leaving your lungs.
Hold your breath for the same slow count of four before repeating this process.
This system regulates involuntary body functions such as temperature. It can lower blood pressure and provide an almost immediate sense of calm.
The slow holding of breath allows CO2 to build up in the blood. An increased blood CO2 enhances the cardio-inhibitory response of the vagus nerve when you exhale and stimulates your parasympathetic system. This produces a calm and relaxed feeling in the mind and body.
It can also help treat insomnia by allowing you to calm your nervous system at night before bed.
Another tool in your toolkit is the product I’ve developed with Mel Owen-Browne as part of the Q Drops. This is our best seller in the Equilibrium range and is available to purchase from me for $25 per bottle.
Q CALM is part of the Equilibrium range from Q Drops and can also help with people who feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, shock, grief, trauma.
If you need more personalised support you can book in to see me for a consultation via the website, or call on