Have you ever noticed how good you feel after time spent in nature? How much you crave a long walk in the bush or a swim in the ocean and how calm and centred you feel afterwards? You may not be aware of the effects consciously, but a part of us is always craving down time away from the city, away from work, away from our technology.
This effect is very natural and is known as grounding, or earthing. Earthing is based on the knowledge that connecting to the Earth’s natural energy is the foundation for good health. Earthing or grounding simply means to have direct bare skin contact with the Earth either by walking barefoot outside on grass, sand or dirt or by connecting to an indoors Earthing product which we will look at in more detail later in this article.
The Earth is a conductor of free electrons and, as the human body is made of mostly water and minerals, we are conductors too. The human body is a living matrix, and electrical energy is the central connector between living cells. When we have bare skin contact with the Earth, free electrons are taken up into the body. These electrons help to neutralise and balance out an excess of damaging free radicals in our body. If these free radicals grow in number, they can cause inflammation.
Chronic inflammation is widely acknowledged as one of the primary factors contributing to premature aging, pain, fatigue, poor sleep, auto-immune disorders and chronic disease. Earthing can assist to reduce and possibly eliminate inflammation which help make it the most natural and power anti-inflammatory solution around.
Earthing also helps to harmonise and stabilise the body’s basic biological rhythms. The human heart, brain and nervous system are electrical sub systems operating within our bioelectrical bodies. The Earth’s surface has a negative charge and when we connect to it, the Earth restores the electrical stability of our body, which allows us to better self-regulate and heal. This effect helps promote overall well-being, health and vitality.
Human beings have always walked barefoot, slept on the ground and cultivated the land with their bare hands. Over time our modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth’s energy through the widespread use of insulated rubber or plastic-soled shoes, we sleep on insulated mattresses and live in homes built off the ground. Our home and work environments surround us with man-made electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices, smart phones, Wi-Fi, microwaves and mobile phone towers which continuously send out a positive electrical charge and create free radical damage to human cells and tissue.
In recent decades we’ve seen a rise in the incidence of chronic disease. As a society, we have higher rates of allergies, auto-immune conditions, and insomnia. One overlooked reason for this is that the immune system is functioning less efficiently as humans are increasingly disconnected from the Earth’s energy. Electrons from the Earth function as a nutrient for the human body to counteract the damaging effects of our modern lifestyle.
You can get started with earthing by simply going for a walk outside with no shoes on. Go outside and give it a try and see what a difference it can make to your pain and stress levels. Try doing that a few days a week for 30 minutes each time. Grass, sand, dirt and plain concrete are the best conductive surfaces and even better when they’re damp. Swimming in the ocean is also a wonderful way to earth, but we all know that instinctively, when we live here on the northern beaches.
However, for those times when outdoor earthing is inconvenient, there is another solution. A range of earthing products (link at the bottom of the article) are a terrific way to start earthing at home at your own convenience. Try these simple steps on your own and if you need more support, have a look at the website below.
My family and I have been using the products and have had many positive effects, on our health, sleep and the children’s behaviour. I highly recommend you consider these products, particularly the ones to protect from harmful EMF pollution as part of your overall health and wellness care.
If you require more detailed help with a particular issue, feel free to message me or book in for an appointment via the website.
Are you noticing the effects of too much screen time?
When we spend time on screens, the body is exposed to harmful blue light, electromagnetic radiation, X rays and other forms of radiation.
You may not think that you spend too much time on your phone but think about all the screens you view daily: smartphone, desktop computer, laptop, tablet, game system, and LED TV. Many of us spend more time looking at screens than sleeping.
According to the Washington Post, 50 percent of teens admit that they feel addicted to their mobile device, and 27 percent of their parents admit they can’t put down their smartphone either.
Over 50 percent of people who work in front of a computer screen experience a condition known as digital eye strain. Common symptoms of digital eye strain include eye fatigue, dry eye, irritated or itchy eyes, red eyes, and headaches. These symptoms are thought to be caused by overexposure to high-energy visible light or “blue light” emitted by digital devices.
Blue light has a wavelength of 380 nm to 500 nm, which means it is one of the shortest, highest-energy wavelengths that humans can perceive. These waves penetrate deep into the eyes and create a glaring effect, which results in irritation and strain.
LED’s (blue light) are usually full of shortwave length light which decreases melatonin production. Melatonin is known as the “sleep hormone” since it is produced at night and it plays a key role in adjusting your body clock. Research has shown that two hours exposure to blue light significantly decreased melatonin production.
Low levels of melatonin levels can lead to fatigue and lack of energy.
Excessive screen time can lead to eye dryness, irritation, fatigue, blurry vision, headaches, and eyestrain. One study looked at specific factors related to children that may make them more prone to computer vision syndrome.
When using screens, we are typically inactive and use up little energy. Being inactive can disrupt our normal appetite and signal us to eat passively which means we end up eating more than we need. Screen time can also increase exposure to marketing of foods and drinks that promote weight gain. Screens themselves don’t contribute to weight gain, but increased screen time is a marker of an overall inactive lifestyle.
High cortisol levels
Excessive screen time is associated with increasing cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as our stress hormone and it plays an important role in helping the body respond to stress. High levels of cortisol have been linked to reduced energy levels and poor sleep.
If you find yourself regularly scrolling through Facebook, or you play games consoles for hours at a time, you may find that you’re lacking in energy and feel sluggish. Try to avoid excessive screen time in the evening to avoid high cortisol and stress levels.
Q SCREEN HOMEOPATHIC DROPS could be just the remedy you need to counteract the effects of screen use.
Q Screen is the solution to support and detox the body from harmful exposure to blue light, EMF, X rays and other forms of radiation
Q Screen protects against mobile phone, computer, tablet, EMF overload
Use 5 drops before and after heavy screen use.
Available directly from my clinic and online at Harbord Homeopathic Clinic.
Blushield is an active EMF protection technology designed to protect users from the health effects of man-made electromagnetic fields that surround us constantly. Blushield comes in a wide variety of devices to suit all lifestyles, including devices for the home, the office, the car and portable devices for protection on-the-go. Blushield is designed in New Zealand and has been developed over the past 25 years to be the most advanced active EMF protection available.
You can read more about the products here.
For a more personal consultation to look at your individual needs, you can contact me on:
Homeopathy works on the principle of ‘like cures like’. This means that any substance that causes a symptom in a healthy person, can eliminate that same symptom in the ‘sick’ person.
Think of the symptoms that you may experience when chopping onions. You get a runny nose and watering eyes that improve once you walk away from the onion into open air, don’t you?
So if you came to see a homeopath with a Cold and your symptoms were watering eyes and a runny nose that improves when you are in open air, I would possibly prescribe you the remedy Allium Cepa – which is onion, but in a highly diluted form – which makes it homeopathic.
The aim of Homeopathic treatment is not essentially to STOP the symptoms you are experiencing by suppressing them. This is only a band aid. The aim is to strengthen your IMMUNE SYSTEM (in homeopathy we call it the vital force) to ‘kick out’ the symptoms from the inside.
In this way we are strengthening the immune system rather than using an external substance to take the place of the immune system. You will find that by treating your ailments Homoeopathically, over time, your immune system will become stronger and more resilient.
However, there are some remedies that are well known to assist in the first stages of illness that are accepted as ‘first aid’ remedies which may be especially effective at the onset of a cold.
The top 5 Immune boosting remedies that I would recommend you always have in your kit are:
Aconite: Symptoms appear suddenly after exposure to cold wind and or emotional shock.
Ferrum phos: early stages of any inflammatory conditions with few characteristic features
Gelsemium: Extreme fatigue, heavy aching muscles, trembling, chills up and down the spine
Allium Cepa: Dripping nose and very watery eyes
Kali mur: (low potency) for sore throat, swollen glands and blocked ears
REMEMBER that the aim of a homeopathic remedy is not necessarily stop the symptoms in their tracks but rather decrease the duration and intensity of the illness while supporting your own immune system.
The best course of action is to see a registered Homeopath who can help you find a remedy that fits all of your symptoms most appropriately for you. After all there are about 7000 remedies so this can be a challenging task 😊
Listen to your body, get enough sleep, eat foods that meet your nutritional needs optimally, avoid excess of anything, and try to exercise regularly and in a way that you can maintain. Treat your symptoms homoeopathically, remember to laugh lots 😊 and finally enjoy your increased vitality and strong immune system.
If you would like a personalised consultation please call me on 0415 847 429.
From a young age I was always active and participated in sports. When I grew up in South Africa, I was a competitive swimmer, training up to 8 hours a day through high school. I was a dancer and a runner too. There were times that my dance teacher and swimming coach would fight over which pathway I would pursue!
Around 15 years ago I was diagnosed with osteo arthritis in my hips. My joints were so sore and inflamed, that after sitting in the car for a time, if I tried to get out… I would literally collapse!
The Doctors at the time advised that I wouldn’t be able to do sport again…. I was shattered. I was diagnosed on a Friday and spent the whole weekend in bed crying!
The thought of not being able to do sport was devastating! Sport is what I love; I am such a physical person…this really rocked my whole sense of who I was and what I could do with my life.
Lucky for me, a good friend suggested yoga as a way to regain flexibility in my joints and soothe the inflammation. I had done a bit of yoga and enjoyed it but to be honest I thought it was fine for once a week but a bit too slow for me at that time, but I was desperate for change and open to trying it. I have to admit to myself that inside my thoughts were – ‘that’s just not going to cut it’! I was used to more intensity and I was not sure about doing such a big 180. My friend had researched different methods of yoga and she had started Ashtanga yoga… she was convinced that I would love it…
Thank you forever to Sarah Wood, the rest is history 😊
I met with the teacher and she explained all the benefits of yoga to me. She gave me references of ‘yogis’ compared to elite athletes and in all the studies, every time the yogis were fitter, leaner and stronger on all levels (in the cases studied of course). The teacher asked me to commit to a month of practice, daily and give it a go and judge for myself. I had nothing to lose.
By the end of that first month I felt that my life had literally done a complete 360… I felt better! There was almost no pain, I was more relaxed and just happier. It was hard to explain, but I felt benefits and so I continued to learn and study and practise Ashtanga Yoga. I have now had a daily practise for 15 years, that has seen me deliver two healthy children and because I believe in the benefits of yoga, I now teach yoga to other people.
Yoga drew me closer to listening to my body and noticing symptoms and addressing them holistically. Usually, when we experience pain or injury, we are told to rest or stop. But I found that when niggles or pains arrived, I used homeopathy as a complimentary therapy. The impact of this was so significant that I went on to study homeopathy and become an accredited homeopath.
I can’t even begin to explain to you the absolute awe and amazement I have for this modality of medicine! It empowers you to take control of your own health, helps you to understand how things relate to each other and literally shifts energy to allow healing from the root cause of the issue you are having. The principle is ‘less is more’ so as you heal, you no longer even need to take remedies. The idea is to get better and not live on any medication.
I recently returned to South Africa to spend time with my family. My brother and his wife’s family are all amazing Triathletes. His father in-law just won the Kona ironman at the age of 70 so you know what I mean when I say amazing! Spending time with them all really inspired me and so I decided to set myself the goal of completing a triathlon (Olympic distance only 😊) before I turned 40 in September.
I signed up with trainer Karla – at Kikstart (who I have never actually met in person as she lives in South Africa and I am in Australia, she is the most amazing, inspirational and supportive trainer ever and never made me feel crazy (even though I might be 😊). The event was meant to be run in Byron Bay in June however due to the current Covid situation, all events have been cancelled. I decided to fulfil my goal anyway and do the event here in Sydney on my own – nothing would stop me from completing my goal.
So now, 15 years later, I am still practicing yoga and being a homeopath and on Sunday 7th June, I completed my first triathlon. That’s a 1.5km swim, 40 km bike ride, and 10km run.
The tissue salts I used were ferr phos – for inflammation, calc flour for elasticity and mag phos to relax the muscles. I also took one dose of rhus Tox which is a great remedy for me and my overall constitution to help support my joints and muscles. I made sure I was well hydrated the day before and stocked up on carbohydrates to ensure my energy stores had enough to support me through the 3-hour event. On the day, I calculated my energy requirements and fuelled myself accordingly during the race. After the event, I made sure to replace my energy stores nutritionally to avoid crashing and by Sunday morning I was ready to do another one!
If I can do it… so can you! There are lots of stories out there about different ways of doing amazing things. Find one that works for you but find one that supports you for the long run….
This is my story and I am not great at sharing these things on social media but I am just feeling so happy, proud of myself and empowered that I had to say something.
Happy to talk to anyone that needs some inspiration and tell you the ins and outs or better yet book an appointment to come and see me in person or online and lets get you achieving the things you want to do – trust me it feels ecstatic x
If you would like to discuss your personal health needs in more detail, please contact me on
0415 847 429, or alternately you can book in for an appointment via my website:
Do you have specific goals that you are training for, like a sporting event? Are you a student in an intense phase of study? A busy working person with life responsibilities and a stressed-out nervous system? A mother of young children with sleepless nights?
Or do you ask yourself how will you look and feel 5 years from now? What you do today will impact your future, so take charge today to become healthy and stay healthy!
When our cells are healthy, and when cell metabolism is optimised, we can maintain our inner strength and build strong immunity. Your cells are the key to whether you will age gracefully or too quickly. What you eat, your lifestyle and habits, all affect your vitality and your immunity.
We hear a lot of talk regarding the role of different nutrients, vitamins and minerals and how they affect our health. Did you know that you need calcium to support bone health? Did you also know, that if your cells are unable to absorb crude calcium, then you can consume all the calcium in the world but your cells won’t be able to deliver the nutrition to where it needs to go.
A similar effect occurs when we take magnesium to assist with muscular recuperation from exercise, and to assist with relaxation and sleep. We may take over the counter tablets or powder, however, the mineral will not be delivered to the cells where it is required, if the cell is not able to receive it. Here is where tissue salts are helpful, in that they provide the key to the unlock the cell’s potential.
Minerals are inorganic substances found in soil and rocks. Your body gets these minerals from foods – from eating plants that absorb them from the earth and by eating meat from animals, which consume plants. Without minerals your body could not repair or build new tissue, contract and relax muscles, transmit nerve impulses, clot blood, maintain optimal pH, keep your heart beating and keep your immune system healthy.
A proper mineral balance is necessary for normal cell function & the maintenance of good health. Giving the cells the essential nutrients (mineral salts) they lack, can restore health. When our blood is lacking the necessary nutrients, cellular activity declines & our bodies become prone to illness. Minerals are the basic building blocks of the body. Vitamins are often ineffective without the presence of associated minerals. Cell nutrition can be revitalized by supplying the deficient mineral salt in a readily assimilated form.
As we age, our cells are stressed by:
Environmental stress
Chemicals in food and poor dietary habits
Air pollutants
Alcohol and stimulants
Fast foods
Lack of exercise
Physical and emotional stress
Lack of sleep
These stresses can also make our body can more acidic. Acidity builds inflammation in your cells. It slows down weight loss and absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is best to aim to stay alkaline throughout your lifetime to slow down the ageing process and keep chronic illness away. A rainbow of fresh fruit and vegetables, appropriate exercise, rest and reducing toxins can go a long way to helping the body become alkaline.
Tissue Salts are a Homeopathically prepared micro-dose of the body’s 12 vital Minerals. Tissue salts are “vital cell foods” and can be taken at any stage of life, including during pregnancy, infancy, and childhood.
Tissue Salts are non-toxic and non-addictive and produce no side effects. They can be safely used alongside prescriptive medicines.
In addition to their many health benefits, cell salts are an ideal treatment if you are concerned about digestive complications, or if you are ill or have a gut that doesn’t function optimally.
Cell salts do not require any further digestive breakdown, so they are safe for individuals who suffer frequent stomach upset or indigestion. Tissue salts are absorbed into the blood via mucosa in the mouth thus bypassing the gut and promoting tissue healing directly at a cellular level.
Tissue salts are taken in form of a lactose-calcium based tablet or pellet and also as an oral spray (good if you’re lactose intolerant).
Sometimes high doses of certain minerals can lead to gastrointestinal complications, such as constipation or diarrhea. Because cell salts are administered at homeopathic potency, as long as you follow the directions for proper usage, you cannot take too much.
If you have further questions, specific needs or are curious to learn more, please contact me:
As the days become shorter and the weather becomes cooler, we may feel some relief from the summer heat, but this also signals the beginning of cold and flu season.
While we can’t control our exposure to atmospheric pathogens like common cold and flu bugs, or our bodies’ reaction to these bugs, the good news is we CAN take steps to build our bodies’ immunity.
This means we are in a better position to fight off illness, reduce the severity of symptoms, and the duration of any illness we are exposed to.
Our number one defense is good nutrition and lifestyle habits to maintain overall health and well being. Let’s look at the steps or pillars of good health one by one.
Check for nutritional deficiencies, and work with a health care professional, such as a Dietitian to address any problems. Natural food in an unprocessed state is always better metabolised and assimilated by the body. Shop around the perimeter of the supermarket.
However, if you are not able to meet these requirements with fresh, whole foods, then speak to your Dietitian for individualized advice on appropriate supplements. Avoid over the counter supplements.
Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables every day which supply critical Vitamin C to help build immunity and fight disease. Kiwi fruit, strawberries, oranges and even avocados are perfect examples.
Vitamin A is found in fats such as animal foods, butter and eggs and also in nuts.
Plant based foods such as legumes, beans, nuts and seeds are rich in antioxidants which help fight inflammation and contain fiber which helps build a healthy gut microbiome.
Protein rich foods help build immunity – examples of protein rich food are eggs, fish, meat, chicken, legumes, quinoa or yoghurt in your meals. Include protein at every meal – so for breakfast this could be eggs, or Greek yoghurt with fruit and muesli. Some animal or vegetarian protein with salad or a sandwich for lunch and some lean meat with grains and vegetables for dinner would be ideal.
A good rule of thumb would be to eat mostly protein, with equal parts carbohydrate and fat at each meal. This assists with weight management and stable energy levels.
Drink alcohol in moderation and only a few times per week.
Avoid sugar and processed foods where possible. Stick to 80/20 fresh food to processed food and sweets as a rule.
Excess sugar depletes the immune system, as sugar stimulates production of the hormone cortisol and throws your system into a rollercoaster of responses that weaken your immunity.
Hydrate with water – around 2 litres per day. Dehydration is common, and can be the cause of headaches, mood swings, poor digestion and optimal heart and kidney function. Lack of proper hydration can affect your physical performance and can increase your susceptibility to illness.
If you are unable to meet your nutritional needs, or fall ill and are unable to eat properly, further assistance from your health care professional may be required. Your health care professional can assist you by prescribing vitamins, minerals or homeopathic remedies to support you until wellness is established again.
It is important to establish good gut health. Any orally ingested supplements won’t be effective if your system cannot absorb them due to inflammation. If your gut is not functioning optimally, taking too many supplements may cause bloating and gastric discomfort. Any stress to the system can lower immunity so we want to avoid that.
Regular physical activity like walking, yoga, body weight training or any movement that elevates your heart rate and makes you feel good is ideal for immunity. Aim for 3 to 5 sessions per week.
Note that strenuous exercise can increase free radicals in your system which can lower your immune system. Moderation is the key. Do enough to feel you have made an effort, but not so much that you become tired, short tempered or injured post activity.
Try to get outside and get some sun each day to boost your Vitamin D levels. Don’t underestimate the healing properties of sunshine and being in nature! A brisk walk in the sun can work wonders for your mood by lifting serotonin levels and balancing melatonin which then assists with sleep.
Humans need regular sleep for optimal hormonal function – between 6 to 8 hours per night for adults, 8 – 10 hours for teens and up to 14 hours for infants and younger children.
Good quality sleep and immunity are closely linked. We’ve all experienced feeling run down after periods of intense work or travel where our sleep has been disrupted.
Try to minimize stress if you can. Worry and anxiety significantly decrease immunity. ‘Easier said than done’ you may think but taking on the problems of other people and the larger community is a choice, not a given. You CAN create a little bubble around yourself by engaging in soothing activities – meditation, exercise in fresh air, yoga, journaling or seeing a therapist are all helpful here. Be kind to yourself.
Prolonged stress can suppress the immune system and make you vulnerable to illness. Mental stress becomes physical stress and this in turn becomes imbalance and dis-ease.
A good old-fashioned talk with a trusted friend can often be soothing – a problem shared is a problem halved!
The tools for good health are in your hands, and it is always better to be pro active than re active. Start taking care of your health today and enjoy the winter season full of laughter and fun with friends and family.
If you would like to find a solution to your individual issues, please contact me.