Homeopathic remedies are gentle and natural treatments that stimulate your body’s natural ability to heal itself. We offer personalized consultations and a variety of remedies to meet your needs.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann M.D.
Dr. Hahnemann was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialised way, proving them on healthy human beings to determine how the medicines worked to cure disease. Before him, medicines were only administered on authority without any experimental verification.
Dr. Hahnemann founded the law of cure: ‘Like cures Like’ meaning that a remedy that produces symptoms in a healthy person, is capable of curing those same symptoms in the diseased person. This law has been verified by numerous homeopaths all over the world since Hahnemann’s time and today homeopathy is the second-largest form of medicine practiced in the world. (WHO)
Homeopathic remedies are prepared using a series of dilutions and succussions and are prescribed on a very individual basis, each remedy is carefully selected to meet the specific needs of the patient and offers support physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Go to www.homeopathyoz.org
Homeopathy can support mental, physical and emotional ailments.
Homeopathy is a science-based, holistic healing method using natural substances and remedies to treat physical, mental, and emotional ills.
It is a form of alternative medicine in which the practice and theories are based on a pattern-based, noninvasive healing process and the use of highly diluted substances.
The goal is to stimulate an individual’s own self-healing ability and improve physical, mental, or emotional well-being.
What does a consultation include?
Your first appointment with me will last approximately 1.5 hours. For complicated children’s cases, you may need two appointments, one with and one without your child. This is so I can take a full health history.
Case-taking is an in-depth discussion about who you are, your food likes and dislikes, how you react to stress, what makes you feel better or worse, and where your strength and susceptibilities lie. By getting to know you as an individual, I am able to treat you as an individual on all levels, mental, emotional, and physical.
Remedies are prescribed according to your individual experience of your condition.
Dietary consultations may take 1 hour and include medical history and physical assessment followed by individual dietary advice.
How I can help you.
Holistic Healing
Optimal Nutrition
Natural Remedies
Straight from nature
Energy Healing
Feel more energised!
I use the Qest4 Bioresonance system as a tool in my practice.
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[email protected]
082 99 00 570
Sunset Beach
Milnerton, Cape Town
Opening Hours
Tues-Thurs: 8 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 10 AM - 1 PM